your pocket tasting guide!
your pocket tasting guide!
Let’s explore the world of taste by combining
fun, science, and technology
Take our
Taste Test!
In less than a minute, answer few questions to explore your food preferences and habits, and discover your unique Taste Identity. This includes your #TasteTraits, which are key to helping you choose and enjoy your favorite products on any occasion.
Take a sneak peek at what awaits you
We offer you tailored content, courses, quizzes, and events based on your favorite products: wine, beer, coffee, and more.
With the right tools, you’ll develop a new awareness of your taste. You’ll gain the superpowers needed to savor every bite and every sip to the fullest.
Discover your Character in 45 seconds and define your Taste Identity, encompassing your preferences and values.
Explore personalized content and learn more about taste, how to talk about it, and how to fully experience it! Get a sneak peek in our V.Mag.