Coffee Characters


Calm and Meditative

Calm and steady. The perfect companion for those relaxing and meditative days in which all you want is peace and quiet.

Light-bodied with a delicate aroma.

A delicious and light-bodied coffee with floral and fruity aromas.

Is this the perfect coffee for you?

What makes a coffee #Chill


How to taste a #Chill coffee

Preparation classic

Americano. Often underrated, this espresso-based coffee has an intense flavor and a nice creaminess for a beverage with a more diluted and lighter body.

Preparation special

Pour Over. The ultimate coffee preparation method according to the top coffee experts. It manages to fully express the unique flavors and aromas of every single selected bean.


Chamomile Coffee Gin Cocktail. A relaxing drink made with dry gin, chamomile grappa, lemon juice, honey syrup, and coffee

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