A digital wine experience to support “the colors of emotion”


With “the Colors of Emotion”, the Associazione Mercurio in Milan helps elementary school children to discover emotional awareness, express their interior world, and face the fragilities and fears they developed during the pandemic.

Gian Maria Brega
Gian Maria Brega
evento mercurio

Evento Mercurio

The pandemic weakened certainties and emotional balance not just in adults, but also in children. 

With “the Colors of Emotion”, the Associazione Mercurio’s educational initiative dedicated to the discovery of emotional awareness, elementary school children in Milan and Lombardy are helped to express their interior world and face the fragilities and fears they developed during the pandemic: 7 schools, 30 classes, and 750 children are already involved in the project.

With them, we at Vinhood have decided to launch a charity initiative through a digital wine show. Those who participate in the event, in addition to having fun and discovering lots of new things about wine and how to taste it, will support the project, helping it to grow and develop. 

The wine show designed for Associazione Mercurio provides a unique introduction to the world of wine: Vinhood’s experts and sommeliers will teach participants how to appreciate wine through an experiential and educational journey.


Each participant will have a wine box delivered to their home with 2 bottles of Cantina Toblino and Baglio di Pianetto. The meeting will be held online on March 15th at 7:30pm. 

Thanks to the Digital Wine Show, participants will learn to taste wine through an innovative and empathic approach based on fun and engagement and to appreciate what a bottle conceals in order to understand where certain fragrances come from, how terrain and climate affect the taste of a wine, different styles of production, how to pair wines not only with dishes but with occasions, how to recognize when a bottle has defects, and how to best preserve a bottle of wine…

Participating in the wine show is easy. All you have to do is register here!

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Vinhood is the First Italian Taste Agency. We explore the world of taste to guide people about how to choose and consume products and supporting companies in nurturing personalized relationships with their customers.

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